Cover Stories | Water Cooler Blog | My2ç | Hall of Fame

Cover Stories

U.K. Planning FTA Online
Move. U.S. Sticks With DTT

Back in April, VideoAge (along with other industry publications) (...)

There Are Always Two Sides to Every Story: U.S. TV Critics Siskel and Ebert Debate the Movies

Editor and film critic Matt Singer chronicles how two (...)

A View of African Content
Production & Sales Challenges

VideoAge had a talk with New York City-based international (...)

August-September 2024

After surviving 100-plus years, legacy media is in trouble because it was led down the wrong path by deep-pocketed tech companies. (…)

Audio Version (a DV Works service)

International TV History

History of the American Film Market

History of the L.A. Screenings

History of MIP-TV (Plus, MIP-TV 2003 under SARS, Iraq War, Industry consolidation and recession)

History of NATPE

History of MIFED (in Italian)

History of Prix Italia through the pages of VideoAge (PDF version)

L.A. Screenings Veteran
Luncheons Through The Years


Int’l TV Distribution
Hall of Fame Vol. 1

E-Book | Print

Int’l TV Distribution
Hall of Fame Vol. 2






Getting Ready For AFM

October 3rd, 2024|0 Comments

The American Film Market (AFM) is moving out of the Los Angeles area and heading to Las Vegas for its 2024 event, which will be held Novembers 5-10, 2024, at the Palms Casino. This, of course, means that the AFM (...)

Lessons in Leadership

September 30th, 2024|0 Comments

In its April 2024 Issue, VideoAge wrote about corporate incompetence in a “My2¢” editorial. Then, on September 16, 2024, in its "The New Workplace" report, The Wall Street Journal ran two articles about corporate and management issues. The first article (...)

NAB New York’s U.S. Election Tools

September 26th, 2024|0 Comments

At the upcoming annual National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) trade show in New York City — to be held October 8-10, 2024, at its traditional Javits Center venue — the Washington D.C.-based organization will launch an "Election Preparedness Resources" program ahead (...)

Bert Cohen’s Worldvision: After Seven Owners, Its Success Became Its Downfall

In his business life, Bertram (later legally changed to Bert) (...)

John Laing: Crisscrossing The World With a RoboCop Promo Under His Arm

It was a big mistake to ask John Franklin Scott (...)

Joe Wallach: Political Intrigue Did Not Undermine His TV Challenges

When Joseph "Joe" Wallach was working at Brazil's Globo TV (...)